Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Collective working is highly recommended for new organizations who are just in their beginning stages of starting up the company, or freelancers who does not require a big expensive and permanent working space. Collective working resolves problems such as social isolation and also introduced people into an environment where they are allowed to be inspired and motivated.

Since realizing that collective working space is such an advantageous way of working why does Singapore not have more collective working spaces like those in London, Berlin, and New York. As a small developing city, Singapore has to advance in her way of working as well. Currently Singapore has 8 professional collective working spaces, of these 8, 2 of them are unavailable to freelancers.

Some problems collective working space in Singapore might face are the demands and especially the cost for spaces. To set up a collective working space in Singapore is extremely difficult due to the high prices for land space in Singapore, rent is expensive especially in center business district which is the most ideal place for a collective working space.

It is too risky for an interested businessman to successfully start up a Co workspace in Singapore, most of the collective space companies are international corporations. So in order for collective working space to become more common and successful in Singapore, the demand for the market has to increase first. As working individuals develop more interest in using collective working space, the popularity and business will grow accordingly as well.

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